Monday, December 18, 2006
On 10/12/06, Kelvin didnt fetch me home after houseviewing but he also quite sweet that he fetch me from sebawang mrt as i tell him that it is drizzling. Actually that is an excuse, juz that im lazy to walk back to his home. haha. We went to eat prata for dinner and he suggested that we watch a movie after dinner at cathay house. Im so shock and happy because he hate to go town area especially during dec when everyone went to orchard for their christmas shopping. He say i will regret watching the movie but i duncare. I insist to go for the movies as we long time didnt go to cinema to watch movies, somemore it is at orchard road!!! We went back to his house to book online tickets and rest awhile before going for the show. This is also the first time i go cathay house, very mountain tortoise hor.. It is quite huge but becuase he reach there at ard 10pm as our show start at 10.30pm, so most of the shops had closed.
We shop around for awhile and went for the show call " The SAW" It was a very disguisting show as the victims are being chained and are tortured to dealth. This is why kelvin dare me to watch this movie. As for me, most of the time, my eyes are half shut as this kind of show always stress me mentally.
09/12/06 - That day is a saturday so as usual, chris, sharon and me are having our open house. Im quite bored so i sms kelvin to kill time. I ask if he can fetch me later when i knock off at 6pm, to my disappointment, he reply that he is going for a jog in the evening so he is unable to fetch me home after i knock off. I start to complain Chris and Sharon and they say i too pamper my bf so they teach me afew techniques to counter him. So i start to sms kelvin again to bargain and to my surprise, i win the sms battle as kelvin sms me that he cancel his jogging and come over to fetch me bcos the sky is dark and it's going to rain soon. This sms really give me a shock of my life!! This is something i never expect he will do it. Unfortunately sharon is unable to have a look at kelvin as she is rushing to suntec with her bf after work. So Chris is the only one who saw my bf as both of our bf come abt the same time to fetch us home.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Thanks to Li Yun recommendation, im hooked onto
微笑 pasta. It is a love story of an idol and a ordinary gal. Initially they are only acting to be a couple infront of the media, but as time goes by, they both fall for each other. It is a comedy show that let me laugh until Liyun cannot tahan me. I strongly recomment this show for those who want to have a good laugh!!
Today in office, kelvin suddenly msg me that he is going to my home TONIGHT to pass me my niece's present. What a shock i have in my life, he didnt step into my house for once for past a year and suddenly he initiate to travel all the way to holland from sebawang to pass me the present. I feel happy and terrible at the same time. I feel happy because he is finally coming over my home without me forcing him, but the terrible thing is.... I haven pack my room!!!!! I faster rush home after work, throw down my bag and start packing and cleaning up my room before he arrive. When he arrive at 7.30pm, the first thing i saw is that he had bandaged his hand.. Oh No...he didnt mention to me that injured his hand yesterday at gym. I feel the pinch in my heart when i saw his injured hand. Really hope he can recover soon. He went into my room and comment that my room look more tidy than his room, he dont know what i had done before he arrive!! haha, my mother comment that he will come over more often so i will clean my room more often. Actually my room is not very untidy just that i wanted to make it look nicer for his fist visit to my home... ONly for the first visit hor..haha
After he settle himself in my home, my mom ask a qns to surprise us.. She ask, "kelvin har, my daughter has been with you for quite some time and she went over your house every weekend..When are you two getting married har?" I burst out laughing and waiting for kelvin to reply... He say" erm.... Not so fast, im planning it." Haha, finally i no need to keep asking him this qns, his parents and my mother is chasing after his tail for this issue..keke After awhile, we went down for dinner and he went home after that..
Kelvin has change his attitude towards me since last friday..He surprised me with his action..and it is a very pleasant surprise.. Maybe what the tarot card said about me is true..and things really get better and faster than i thought.. He bring me to ice skate on saturday morning, however there was a skating competition when we reached so we have a change of plan and went to Kbox for Karoke. After that we went NTUC to buy some ingredients as i wanted to reward him by cooking sphagetti for dinner for him on that night. Hope that it don't taste too bad, as i didn't cook a decent meal for almost a year.
On sunday, we went to temple as usual and he surprise me again by asking me what i like to eat for dinner. Normally he don't ask that, as we normally eat at the coffee shop near his house. Then i mention long john silver as i suddenly feel like eating that. To my surprise, he ask me why i wanted to eat cheap stuff when he offered me to a dinner of my choice regardless of price... Did kelvin took the wrong medicine??? Haha, in the end we went to Fish & Co for dinner before we go home. Another surprise for that night, he end his game early and initiate to watch dvd with me before we sleep. Wow!!!This bf suddenly become too good to be true.. If this is a dream, i hope it will not end.. Pls continue my sweet dream without putting a full-stop to it. =)
I have enjoyed my saturday night 2weeks ago as Liyun, Stanrick, Stephanie, Lynn, "kiwi" fruit and me spent the night away at lynn's apartment playing cards games, eating chips and drinking volka. However, due to the fact that most of us are poor drinkers, we knock out before 3am. I think only Stanrick and Lynn are still sober, while liyun, Stephanie and me are lying on a bed, while kiwi fruit lie on the other bed. Nearly forgot to mention Nicholas, i last min invited him over, thinking that having him around may have more fun as he is very socialable and funny guy.. He reached around 2+, the time that we almost knock out. Feeling abit paisei as the fun was almost over when he arrived. Lucky Stanrick accompany him while i sneak back to the room and Zzzzz.... After awhile, Stanrick and nicholas went into the bedroom as well and we (Stephanie, Stanrick, Nicholas and me) played card games for a few rounds. When liyun is more sober, Stanrick, Nicholas, Liyun and me went to M.S for some " But Kut Teh". Then we went back to Lynn home for some rest... In the morning, we had M'Donald breakfast and Stanrick, Liyun accompany me for my Tarot card reading which change my life from that point onwards..I am not mentioning the details of the reading over here, but i think most of my blog viewers should know bah. keke..